Idaho First Steps Alliance

A network of child advocates, providers, community leaders, parents and caregivers working to support the unique needs of Idaho’s infants and toddlers and their families through policy advocacy.

Idaho Families Need Stronger Footing

The Current State of Idaho

For Idaho to be a state where families thrive, parents and caregivers must be at the core of our policymaking conversations for issues impacting young children. In order to support Idaho’s working families, we need to increase our investments in the early childhood education industry to meet the heightened demand. While addressing all aspects that impact the development of young children like stable housing, access to health care, and financially stable families.

Nearly half of Idahoans live in a childcare desert.
Families are struggling to cover basic necessities, with two out of five households reporting difficulties making ends meet.
Roughly 14% of caregivers for young children are not working because of gaps in child care.
We rank 32nd in the nation for infants and toddlers served by our early intervention services.

The need for high-quality child care and early education opportunities has risen sharply to the top of our list of priorities thanks in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though as one of only a handful of states in the U.S. that do not invest in early learning options, families are feeling added pressure in accessing early learning programs.

How do we make Idaho a state where families with young children thrive?

Through data-driven policy solutions and sustained commitment to change, we can take steps so families have access to the resources necessary for raising a child and are empowered to policymaking.

  • Expanding access to high-quality affordable childcare
  • Increasing investments in Idaho families with young children
  • Engaging parent voice in early childhood policymaking

Take Action

Idaho First Steps Alliance empowers advocates to take action and lift up the unique issues of infants and toddlers. See how you can get involved:

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